Native and Drought Tolerant Gardens

A drought tolerant plant from the Mediterranean: Rockrose (Cistus variety).

Water wise gardens use native and drought tolerant plants like Flowering Currant and Cleveland Sage instead of water thirsty plants.  There is an abundance of plants to design water-friendly gardens including many from the Mediterranean region like Lavender or Strawberry Trees, as well as those from Australia like the Tea Tree, or from New Zealand like Flax and even South African plants like Protea. One thing that all of these plants have in common is that they are from areas with long, dry summers followed by a wet, mild winters.  Similar natural habitats make these plants well suited to the dry season of Oakland, California. Consult with Water Wise Landscaping for your drought tolerant garden design and installation.

Newly planted Flowering Currant and Cleveland Sage will soon grow to obscure the property line fence in this Oakland dry garden.


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